Month: March 2014


Toriko Episode 147: I haven’t really felt comfortable with the deviation from the manga, as necessary as it may be, so I was dreading this final episode. That said, if I’d only watched the anime and didn’t know any better, I’d be pretty content with this finale. Of course there are a lot of unanswered questions and loose ends and all that, but that’s to be expected. There were still scenes/moments that made this feel like a decent ending to me. (Of course, a part of me is screaming the whole time, “This is like the OPPOSITE of what happens!”) But if you are able to treat the anime and manga as separate things, then both are/were very enjoyable. *sniffle* I’ll really miss this anime, though.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…it was the END OF TIMES. Yes, we had more final episodes this week 😦

Hamatora Episode 12: All I can really say about this is, “What the fuck, Hamatora?!”

Samurai Flamenco Episode 22: I already blogged about this separately, but I just can’t let it go…this anime was so great. The climactic scene was so incredibly well done…dramatic and serious yet funny (to me) all at the same time. A wonderful emotional tornado. Baka baka baka!

Silver Spoon Episode 11: What the hell it’s over?! I so wasn’t ready! Please tell me we get another season! I have to know if Hachiken ever finds his dream.

Space Dandy Episode 13: So Space Dandy is catching flak because it’s episodic. So what? I like it. I like watching a vacuum cleaner fall in love with a coffee maker. I like just enjoying a show for what it is. And I love listening to Dandy’s voice, whether it’s episodic or not…baby. I’m looking forward to season two.

Witch Craft Works Episode 12: I think this was the end? I hope it was? I hate feeling this way about any anime but I was just slogging through at the end. The series did not hold my attention. 😦

World Conquest Zvezda Plot Episode 12: I started this series out of curiosity from controversy and stuck with it because of its potential. I don’t regret watching it but I’m kinda glad it’s over. It could’ve ended worse but when it’s all said and done, I just feel like like Zvezda failed to deliver.

Nobunagun Episode 13: The duration of this episode, I just kept thinking, “Man, I’m really glad I stuck with this show.” It even ended on kind of a satisfying/cute/possibly generic note. But I felt like everything was right with the Nobunagun world once it was all over.

Kuroko’s Basketball Episode 50: For the love of all that’s holy, someone promise me a third season! Episode 50 was wonderful and great and thrilling and fantastic and Murasakibara and Kagami and Kuroko and Aomine and manly tears and Himuro and love and rivals and and and…I’m just devastated at not having a new episode of Kuroko’s Basketball next Saturday.

And yet some still continue on…:

Nobunaga the Fool Episode 12: Was quite surprised this wasn’t the last episode. Oddly enough, I’m starting to get interested again. I just can’t quit you, Nobunaga the Fool!

Nagi no Asukara Episode 25: I love Tsumugu. To me, he was the episode’s unintentionally hilarious shining star. One more episode to go! Next week: the finale of Feelings & Tears! How will it all end?! How much will we all cry?!

Ace of the Diamond Episode 25: Sadly, all I remember from this episode is the coach stepping up to bat. At which point I thought, “I totally have a crush on the coach.” That’s not really fair to the anime, though, because it is so much more than just who I have a crush on every week.

Hozuki no Reitetsu Episode 12: I will be so sad when this show ends. I loved the Lilith plot/references this episode. It’s just such a pleasant, relaxing, slice-of-life show…in hell.



Let’s Flamenco!

It’s no secret that I loved Samurai Flamenco. From the very beginning I adored the show and it just continued to surprise and escalate and be awesome.

And now…it’s over. *sob sob sob*

I can’t quite bring myself to remove it from my Crunchyroll queue.

With a show like this, a disappointing crash & burn ending is entirely possible or maybe even probable. Heck, I didn’t even know how I wanted it to end, I just knew I had really high expectations. After this wild ride, I really didn’t want to be let down.

And Samurai Flamenco delivered.

If you watched the series, I hope you loved it as much as I did (is that possible?) or at least found it enjoyable and unique. If you haven’t watched the series, you’re missing out on the fun and complexity that is…Samurai Flamenco!



Everything is escalating as many series are coming to an end and that includes perhaps my favorite non-Kuroko episode of the week:

Samurai Flamenco Episode 21: I started this blog because, apparently, everything I need to know, I learned from anime. There are a lot of life lessons and inspiration…and also some cynical, not-so-inspirational lessons. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a funk or indecisive about something and I’ll watch an episode of anime or read manga and OMG IT’S LIKE IT’S SPEAKING JUST TO ME! HOW DID IT KNOW?! Perhaps I’m just mentally ill and projecting but I find a lot of answers through anime. I have no goal of being a hero, but oddly enough, this episode really resonated with me this week. Unlike…

Log Horizon Episode 25: This is the last episode of the season, I believe (?) but it’s already been announced that we’ll get a season two. A few episodes ago I couldn’t get enough Log Horizon, but by the end of Episode 25 I wasn’t sure I really cared about a season 2. I’m sure I’m just being moody and felt let down by the generic ending/stopping point, much like:

Inari Kon Kon Episode 10: Another final episode (right?) which bummed me out. Though I don’t know what I expected, I think I wanted more of this show and it pretty much ended exactly as I thought it would. I don’t know why I should feel let down by my prediction coming true–I mean, at least it wasn’t a horrible devastating ending. And I guess not every ending can be like:

Noragami Episode 12: I loved Noragami from the beginning and it just kept getting better and better. I suppose I’m a hypocrite because this ending could be considered pretty generic, but I actually felt pretty satisfied when it was all over. Now I’m really looking forward to the manga.

Hozuki no Reitetsu Episode 11: All I could think was, “I love this show. It’s so soothing. I’m going to be so sad when it’s over.” I can’t say that about:

World Conquest Zvezda Plot Episode 11: Not particularly excited about this show anymore. It still has some good one-liners and I hope the finale brings everything together and conquers us all! Unlike:

Witch Craft Works Episode 11: I am looking forward to the final episode…because I’m pretty tired of this show. I thought it had potential but at this point, where action and excitement should be at its peak, I just think, “I shouldn’t have picked this one up. But now I have to see how it ends.” I don’t mean to dis the anime as a whole–there are some people who still love it. Witch Craft Works and I just aren’t seeing eye-to-eye anymore, much like everyone in:

Nagi no Asukara Episode 24: I swear, this show should have just been titled “Feelings & Tears” or something similar. We are nearing the end, though (I think?) and things seem (jinx?) to be falling into place a bit. I actually really liked this episode, maybe because things are starting to come together somewhat. Which could also be said for:

Hamatora Episode 11: Call me sick, but one thing I’ve enjoyed about Hamatora is its ability to make me laugh out loud in surprise at sudden blood splatter explosions. And Moral is simply a wonderful villain. I loved his over-coffee exchange with Nice in this episode. Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty and philosophical and get some shit done! Which you won’t find in:

Nobunaga the Fool Episode 11: I saw a tweet today about how purely DUMB this show is. At this point…I can’t really argue. But I enjoy it anyway. It has kind of devolved into an incoherent mess (okay, okay, maybe it was always an incoherent mess) but they say trainwrecks are fun to watch, too, right? At least it doesn’t resort to tentacles like:

Nobunagun Episode 12: Yes, I know this is my second week of transitioning from Nobunaga the Fool to Nobunagun by talking about tentacles. But if the tentacles weren’t bad enough, why the blushing?! Wouldn’t an appalled, creeped-out face be more appropriate? Yeah, okay, you have a giant squid monster, but I think NOT resorting to tentacle probing would be the edgier thing to do. My dislike of tentacles aside, this episode was actually pretty exciting (NOT BECAUSE OF THE TENTACLES!). And who would have ever thought I’d say something like, “Aw, that Jack the Ripper is such a sweet guy.” Hey, didn’t Nobunagun originate with an incident in Taiwan? Because that’s where our new character is from in:

Ace of the Diamond Episode 24: Holy crap, I can’t believe it’s been 24 episodes already! I hope it goes on forever. We get a look at another team’s ace–a precision, errrr, “clockwork” pitcher from Taiwan. At first he seems like a frigid asshole, but thanks to a bit of backstory, we realize not only does he look hot in glasses, but he’s actually a caring person who is just PASSIONATE ABOUT BASEBALL. And we all know that being passionate about sports makes *the best* anime…why, yes, we see this in:

Kuroko’s Basketball Episode 49: Sigh. I. Love. This. Show. Dai suki. Once again, I sat there thinking, “This show is amazing.” I can’t remember if I cried this episode or not, but I do remember laughing out loud at that brilliant scene between Himuro and Murasakibara. What a shit Murasakibara is, he is such a fantastic character. And I love “Zone eyes.” I love Aomine’s jacket. I love Teppei saying unintentionally heart-catching things. I love it all. And I love how a simple thing like Murasakibara asking for a hair tie signals the intense shit that’s about to come…next episode, of course. Oh shit, I got so worked up thinking about Kuroko’s Basketball that I forgot to mention:

Silver Spoon Episode 10: This is such a solid anime. This episode wasn’t as painful as the previous couple (thank goodness) and finally, we get to see a bit more of Mikage and she’s more likeable as a result. I also really liked how her relationship with Hachiken is progressing so–a friend of mine would use the word “organically”, which makes me giggle since this is an anime about farming. So yes, their relationship is progressing “organically” and it’s endearing while still maintaining sufficient tension.

Millennium Actress

No exaggeration, one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. I realize this is not a new film by any means but I hadn’t seen it before. Much like my experience with “Paranoia Agent,” my brother’s Satoshi Kon obsession led to me watching shows I’d always *meant* to watch…but hadn’t quite gotten around to it.

My recommendation: absolutely watch “Millennium Actress.” If you like movies, anime, movies about film, Japanese culture, acting, great filmmaking, realistic-yet-fantastic characters, crying, laughing, mind-boggling, being awed, feeling fulfilled…if you like any of those things, watch this movie.

I realize I love all Satoshi Kon films and anything he does is pretty much genius by default, but five minutes into “Millennium Actress” I thought to myself, “This is brilliant. This is the most amazing thing.”

When it was over, I couldn’t quit crying (in a good way) and realized this could very well be the best movie I’d ever seen.


Yowapeda Episode 23: This episode just reinforced a theory of mine that there are few things more obnoxious than a reformed fat kid.

The Pilot’s Love Song Episode 11: I am so glad I stuck with this series! Episodes like this one make it worth it. Though I couldn’t help but wonder how Kal could possibly hear Claire when he’s in a freakin’ plane? Or maybe it wasn’t the hearing that mattered, but just her saying it and admitting it to herself? Regardless, great episode.

What I Watched 3-16-2014

Samurai Flamenco Episode 20: Masayoshi is Little Slugger?! Jokes aside, that fight with Goto-san was incredibly hard to watch. I felt absolutely heartbroken, so I continued on to:

Silver Spoon Episode 9: …where I was then heartbroken for Komaba. This was also a hard episode to watch as I felt it hit close to home. No, I’m not dealing with bankruptcy, but being a business owner and part of a family business I could relate to Komaba (and Mikage). And unfortunately I can relate to Hachiken, though I don’t want to reveal any more than that.

Noragami Episode 11: Absolutely amazing, one of the best episodes so far. I can’t wait to read the manga now. Though when Hiyori started crying for a reason she couldn’t explain, I thought of…

Kuroko’s Basketball Episode 48: Because this is also one of the BEST episodes so far AND when Teppei started crying and didn’t understand why, I started crying too. I really need to quit crying at Kuroko’s Basketball pretty much every episode >_<

Nagi no Asukara Episode 23: …was also full of tears, though none of mine. I think the current dilemma is very interesting, though my personal preference is to just leave Manaka like she is. I realize I’m in the unpopular camp with that though. Haha. Or maybe Manaka’s heart will return for…Akira? That way no pair is truly happy but at least that way no one gets left out..? I think my solution of being heartless is much easier. And speaking of heartless, in:

Hamatora Episode 10: Moral delivered another villainous speech that made a little too much sense. I kept thinking, “No, this is the bad guy, don’t agree with him!” But shit is hitting the fan and the series is escalating, much like:

Nobunagun Episode 11: This was the most action-packed (to me) and therefore my favorite episode so far. I’ve never particularly looked forward to Nobunagun since starting it, but I really enjoyed this episode. Though I had to laugh at the end when we’re faced with a girl’s worst enemy–tentacles! Though we learn in:

Nobunaga the Fool Episode 10: …that perhaps a girl’s worst enemy is her boobs? I mean, seriously, Ranmaru–why bother wrapping them anymore? That aside, I loved the highlighting of Hideyoshi this episode. I realize that this series only ties to history when it’s convenient, but *knowing* the (actual) history between Hideyoshi and Nobunaga I was glad to finally get a closer look at their interaction in the anime.

What I Watched 3-9-2014

Inari Kon Kon Episode 8: YES! This is the impulsive-yet-awkward-hug episode we’ve been waiting for! Or that *I’ve* been waiting for, at least.

Noragami Episode 10: Really love this show. It makes my eyes happy. And we’re kind of getting a weird crossover in circumstances with Inari Kon Kon and gods getting too close to humans and Nagi Asu with important things forgotten… speaking of:

Nagi no Asukara Episode 22: I might have said this already, but I vote for a spinoff featuring just Uroko-sama. Yes, I do want to see what happens to these poor kids, but he is my favorite character. Manaka…is my least favorite. I wasn’t that torn up about this episode’s revelation; if you want heartbreak, you should watch…

Samurai Flamenco Episode 19: GOTO-SANNNNNNN! Seriously, though, didn’t we all kind of expect something like this? I am so loving this series. I think it’s just brilliant. Though I did have an awkward moment where I thought, “If he weren’t adorable Goto-san, I’d think he was creepy. Instead I just want to hug him.” Maybe one of those impulsive-yet-awkward hugs from Inari Kon Kon..? But anyway, speaking of expected revelations, we finally got a couple in:

The Pilot’s Love Song Episode 10: Nina Viento! I should really have a softer heard for poor Kal-el but maybe he shouldn’t have rushed into things so quickly, hmm? Ignacio stole the show this episode. Time for the tsundere to shine! This episode probably should have made me a lot sadder than it did, since everyone’s lives are being torn apart and everything, but I never got attached enough to the characters. But in regard to characters I *am* attached to…

Silver Spoon Episode 8: KOMABAAAA! This was a rough week for adorable anime tough guys I’m fond of. :/ This episode of Silver Spoon was almost uncomfortably realistic. So it was nothing like:

Nobunaga the Fool Episode 9: I’m back to just loving this show. Yes, it’s totally ridiculous. I mean, really ridiculous. I think I laughed out loud when Nobunaga said, “Open your eyes and look! Look at me! Look at how great a man I am!” So yes, readers, go look, now, at what a great man he is and watch this series! If you want to open your eyes and look at more great mean, watch:

Kuroko’s Basketball Episode 47: I just can’t get enough of this show. Love love love. And just when, once in a blue moon, I think, “Maybe this show isn’t as good as I think and I’m overreacting, maybe this show is a bit silly-” something happens on screen and I go back to thinking it’s the best thing ever. Also, whenever Aomine wears that poofy jacket, I just want to hug him. I also want to hug someone from:

Ace of the Diamond Episode 22: Although I find a lot of the characters endearing, I think I’m developing an unhealthy crush on Miyuki. He’s just so cool! This episode was so great and so sporty! Sporty and manly, much like:

Yowapeda Episode 21: If you want SPORTY and MANLY and manly tears and manly battles and manly words, this was the episode for you! I love a good flashback and buildup of rivalry. I realize I may sound like I love everyone and am a total horndog for athletic boys, but I’m restrained compared to:

Log Horizon Episode 23: Everyone is in love with Shiroe! Sheesh! Is this an MMORPG or a harem anime? I kid, I kid. I mean, yes, everyone is in love with Shiroe, but at least at the end of this episode we see a hint of more serious, battle-y strategy-y things to come.




I had some time off of work a while back so this is what I did:

Paranoia Agent is absolutely amazing. I love everything I’ve seen by Satoshi Kon and Paranoia Agent is no exception. I used to catch it sometimes back when Cartoon Network showed it but it freaked me out too badly that late at night so I didn’t watch every episode or see the ending. Satoshi Kon has (had) a wonderful but slightly uncomfortable understanding of human nature and psyche. I can’t say enough about how great this series so please watch it. I am fond of marathoning shows and just immersing in them; I do think Paranoia Agent is best consumed in a big chunk.

Madoka Magica I wanted to watch this show because I heard so much good stuff about it. And I did learn some stuff, like: 1) Don’t make a deal with the devil; 2) No good deed goes unpunished; 3) Seriously, even if the devil is a cute alien, don’t make a deal with the devil; 4) Don’t sell your soul to heal your childhood friend because he’s just going to start dating your best friend; 5) When you ask the devil if he feels bad for the pain he’s caused and he tells you he doesn’t comprehend human emotion, you don’t really need to ask him fifty more times–believe it or not, he really doesn’t feel bad.

That said, I know a lot of people who LOVED this show and thought it was amazing. I’m not trying to hate on anyone’s tastes but I just wasn’t feeling Madoka Magica. I wanted it to be great and mind-blowing so I kept watching until the end…but by about episode 6 the art style was grating on me and Madoka’s uncertainty and whining made me really dislike her as a character. I saw some similarities with Evangelion, which is another series a lot of people LOVE and I…really don’t.

Tsuritama Ended up watching this soon after finishing Madoka Magica and couldn’t help but think, “Alien, power of friendship, saving the world…this is way better!” So, yeah, I would recommend Tsuritama over Madoka Magica but I’m sure a lot of people would disagree. 🙂 This was a pleasantly-strange and kind of…soothing? anime that managed to escalate and become action-packed but not obnoxious (to me, anyway). Plenty of Tomokazu Sugita was just a bonus.

Chihayafuru I’ve never wanted to play karuta so badly in my life! Which might be tricky since I don’t speak Japanese. A sports anime about karuta might not sound like the most exciting premise…but it is amazing! Because of the concept I doubt Chihayafuru will ever be popular here and that makes me sad. I happily raced through two seasons and can only hope there will be more in the future. I do recommend giving it 3-4 episodes to really hook you, so don’t give up! I would pick up the manga if only it were available in English.

Space Brothers (Manga) Yes, the Space Brothers anime is available on Crunchyroll and after reading the manga, I did watch a couple episodes…and those episodes followed the manga very closely. My brother started watching the anime when it first started streaming and told me how good it was but I don’t really care about space so I never picked it up. However, the manga is included in my Crunchyroll subscription so out of curiosity, I started reading…and COULDN’T STOP. Every give chapters or so, I kept thinking, “This is SO GOOD! I wish more people read this!”  I look forward to the new chapter every week.

Roundup 3-1-2014

Log Horizon Episode 22: I cannot believe it’s Episode 22 already! It doesn’t feel like it to me; I want more!

Hamatora Episode 7-8: Episode 7 was one of those “OMG!” episodes and so then episode 8…was just silly. I enjoyed them both. This series continues to impress me.

Samurai Flamenco Episode 18: Speaking of impress…I love Samurai Flamenco! This series is one of my favorites right now and I wish everyone watched it. I can’t help it; I love Goto-san…and, y’know, everything else about the show.

Nagi no Asukara Episode 21: This show is driving me crazy but I have to see how it ends!

Yowapeda Episode 20: This episode focused almost entirely on another team but I kind of enjoy that. One of the things that makes a great sports anime (and Kuroko’s Basketball does this very well also) is giving depth to the other teams and fleshing out the characters. Caring about/learning about the opponents just makes everything better.

Ace of the Diamond Episode 21: OMG SPORTS ANIME IS SO GREAT! It’s funny because I don’t particularly look forward to Ace of the Diamond every week but by the end of each episode, I think, “This is so good!”

Inari Kon Kon Episode 7: Really loving this series and episode seven was great. I hope more people give it a try…after episode 1 I wasn’t so sure this would be a keeper but it continues to improve.

Kuroko’s Basketball Episode 46: I love this show so much.