Tag: gintama

Winter 2017 Simulcasts

Winter 2017 Simulcasts

Bleeeeeehhhhhh…I know it’s a few weeks late but I was hoping things would get better. They didn’t. So, let’s talk about the latest simulcasts!


All Out!! is a continuation from the fall and while it kind of got obscured by the abundance of strong shows in the fall season, All Out is stealing the spotlight for the winter. It seemed like it took a while for this show to pick up speed but now we’re really into the “good stuff.” I realllly hope people give this one a chance.

Akiba’s Trip I really had no reference for this going in but I thought I’d give it a try. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t keep it either. I just didn’t care enough.

Blue Exorcist We’re three weeks into this one and it keeps getting better. It was a little hard getting back into things since it’s been so long since the anime ended and the manga is in a completely different place but it’s been worth it. I love the depth of the characters.

Masamune-kun’s Revenge unlike Blue Exorcist, has no depth to the characters. I had read the first volume of manga when I’d heard this would be getting an anime and I didn’t hate it as much as I hate this. Three episodes in I feel more strongly about that than ever.

Saga of Tanya the Evil I actually had pretty high hopes for this one because I thought the premise was really interesting. I don’t want to say it’s “disappointing” but every time I have a “this is great” moment, it’s followed by half an episode of “I’m bored; I wonder what I have for snacks.” I’m still holding out hope that as the series progresses we get more substance.


Seiren This might have been one of the most boring first episodes of my life. So much so that I thought, “Nothing can be this boring, there has to be some twist or catch coming up.” I can put up with a lot of lousy shows but after finishing the third episode…I hate it. There was one good line in episode three: “Do all girls lie through their teeth?” My answer: Yes. Now move on, no need to finish the series. I’ve solved the mystery of life for you.

IMG_0576.PNGShowa Genroku Rakugo Shinju thank all that is good and bright and holy in the universe for this show. Especially in a season where I find myself getting increasingly pissed off slogging through shows, the return of SGRS was a godsend. The series came back with a vengeance, episode one as strong and amazing and perfect as if it had never left. The first series was one of my favorites in its season and now this is one of my favorites of the winter. I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH ABOUT HOW TOTALLY PERFECT AND AMAZING THIS IS.

Interviews with Monster Girls I did not expect this to be good. I LOVE IT. Episode one snagged me, episode two was cute, and I just finished episode three where I laughed my ass off. This one kind of came out of nowhere for me but I’m so glad I gave it a try; it’s one of the few I look forward to every week. Thank you, Junichi Suwabe, for convincing me to watch this.

IMG_0615.PNGGabriel Dropout This is the opposite of Monster Girls for me in that I had actually looked forward to it but it’s not living up to my expectations. It can be really cute/funny at times but for the most part I get bored.

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid First episode followed the manga pretty closely. I think it does benefit from being animated; everything is pretty cute. This show is nothing amazing but it’s entertaining enough.

Hand Shakers Seeing the character designs and voice casting, I was actually really excited about this. And then I watched the first episode…and tried not to puke. I don’t know why this is so excruciatingly painful to watch or why the story is pretty close to nonsensical or worse, why no one noticed that and turned this thing loose into the wild. I have actually watched two episodes so far and the whole time I think, “How did this get made..?”


elDLIVE We got a few chapters of this in JUMP and never saw it again so I was pretty stoked that we’d get an anime. I loved Reborn so I wanted to see more of elDLIVE. It’s…been a pretty slow start. But I try to remember that Reborn took seasons to really get good so I’m giving elDLIVE the benefit of the doubt.

Yowamushi Pedal New Generation I’m just gonna say: I miss the old generation. These first two episodes have been kind of a bummer. I joked that the title of this season should be YowaPeda: Mourning Makishima by the depressing tone and theme of the first two eps. I want to love it but so far the new characters are rubbing me the wrong way.

Chiruran 1/2 Anyone who’s followed me at all knows I’ll watch pretty much anything Shinsengumi related. This is no exception. While Chiruran 1/2 is funny in its short-form way, I would reallllly love the actual Chiruran manga to get an anime adaptation. *fingers crossed*

ACCA I was super stoked for this one and after a couple episodes…I don’t really know how I feel. I “like” it plenty; I just hope it does something soon that makes me LOVE it. Besides cast Junichi Suwabe and Kenjiro Tsuda, I mean.

Super Lovers ah, BL with your complicated yeah-we’re-brothers-but-not-by-blood-and-we-sleep-in-the-same-bed-and-none-of-us-can-communicate-for-shit-so-it’s-week-after-week-of-misunderstandings. Welcome back.

Onihei This is a much-needed show this season. It scratches a certain manly itch.

Tiger Mask W Also manly and also a carry-over from the previous season. Just a couple episodes into the second cour it appears that Tiger Mask W is getting more ridiculous by the week. I want to call it “mindless fun” without sounding insulting.

GINTAMA this is in caps for obvious reasons. Because it is the best. Picking up after the Shogun Assassination & Farewell Shinsengumi arcs, we’re still in the thick of “serious stuff” and every week my heart is broken and put back together. I don’t know if there is anything in this world more perfect than Gintama.

Farewell, Winter 2016; Farewell, “Farewell, Shinsengumi”

It’s that time again…the end of a season. What did we love? What did we hate? What made us cry? I’ll give you a guess on that last one…


Gintama I feel like between the anime and manga I’ve spent the last year crying at Gintama. Everything was just so perfect. PERFECT. And beautiful.

Speaking of perfect, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju was one of my favorites of the season. It entranced me from the very beginning and was one of the shows I looked forward to the most week after week. Episode 11 about did me in, though; I just wanted to live in that episode forever.

Fairy Tail has ended (again). I should be sad but I think it’ll be back once the manga gets a little further ahead. If you can’t wait then I strongly suggest the manga; the pacing is actually much better than it has been in the second season of the anime.

Ace of the Diamond So glad Coach Kataoka got his moment. My brother said, “What’s the big deal. Haven’t you seen this already?” I said, “No, it’s the end. It’s the culmination of two and half years of watching Ace of the Diamond.”

Durarara I love the insane acceleration at the end and the feeling that everything is just totally irreparably out of control. I also love Shizuo throwing heavy objects. The end of the series felt very satisfying to me.

Erased This was another favorite of the season. I actually ended up dreaming about the final episode. This is the type of show I might recommend to people who don’t generally watch anime; I think it’s capable of crossing that boundary.

Haikyu!! This whole season felt very well-paced and tightly constructed to me. I ended up losing myself in fanfic as a result because every time I watched the latest episode, I just wanted MORE. The good news is, we already know another anime season is coming soon for our volleyball boys.

Mr. Osomatsu I have to wonder if the people responsible for this show are laughing their way to the bank since I can’t imagine anyone anticipating the way this show would explode. And yes, I’m as guilty as anyone; I have plenty of Osomatsu-san merchandise and I’ve already preordered my pillow covers. I was actually surprised by how much I loved this series.

GATE This second series felt a lot darker/more intense than the first but I might have enjoyed it more because it made things more complicated. Sometimes the plot felt a bit bogged down and I might not have paid as much attention as I should have…but that didn’t stop me from pleading with Sugawara to save Sherry.

Sekko Boys I loved this. A lot. The premise was absolutely ridiculous, the voice actors my favorites, and it was all short enough to be funny without being “too much.”

Ojisan and Marshmallow I found this oddly endearing even if it made me kind of hungry whenever I watched.

Dimension W When I saw Kyoma’s dance in the opening theme of the first episode I made the statement that this anime would be a winner. I ended up really getting hooked on it. At 12 episodes it’s compact and moves along swiftly. The characters were fun and Daisuke Ono sounded great. Especially recommend if you enjoy sci-fi themes.

Prince of Stride I kinda forgot I even watched this until I was looking through my queues for this post. It was all very…predictable. But I suppose it was okay for what it was.

There are a few shows I’m sad to see end (GINTAMA!!!!!!) but I’m really excited about the Spring 2016 lineup. (Ahem…Diamond is Unbreakable.)

Fall 2015, You Will Be Missed

My guilty pleasure STARMYU is over for now. This show was ridiculous to the umpteenth power and I loved every minute of it. If you love singing/dancing boys doing nonsensical things and being often stupid and angsty, this is the show for you! My dog, however, is quite relieved that it’s all over since this show definitely won the award for “Waking Up The Dog By Screaming at the Television.” And I mean that in the best of ways.

Young Black Jack was fantastic. I’m not just saying that because of the gratuitous abs (although I really loved that too). Especially in the later episodes I felt like even though the visuals had been spruced up, the story itself oozed that classic Tezuka darkness.

Beautiful Bones I totally want more of this. Sakurako was enjoyable (to me) as a main character; her eccentricity was endearing. But there’s so much left hanging…need more…

Osomatsu-san is supposed to be returning for another cour. I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed so hard as during the first episode (which has been pulled due to controversy) and year-end commentary (12A) episode. At first I didn’t know what to think about the style but because of the voice cast, I gave Osomatsu-san a try. Soooo glad I did. Wonderfully funny.

Haikyu!! brings me so much joy. Every time I watch it I get the urge to just drown in Haikyu fanfic. I hope you keep playing forever, volleyball boys.

Fairy Tail is always a favorite. I felt like there were some pacing…issues…but all the greatness by far outweighed any issues. And I totally cried through the whole Tartaros Arc Epilogue. I cried through it when I read the manga and it turns out the anime got me just as much.

Speaking of crying…omg GINTAMA. For a “comedy”…have I EVER SHED MORE TEARS?! I can never get enough of this show. It’s absolutely fucking amazing. When just the freakin’ *ending theme* can make a person tear up, I think you’re onto something. I love you, Sorachi!

Yes, I’m still watching Ace of the Diamond. The boys are still playing baseball. That’s about it. Though I did lose my cool a bit screaming at the tv when Miyuki took the tackle at home plate. I love the whole “freight train into the catcher who’s badass and still held onto the ball” thing. Then again, I kind of love Miyuki doing anything.

One Punch Man I absolutely loved this. As a fan of the manga I was so excited to see it get an anime. It was just a lot of fun to watch every week. All the characters are just fabulous…and the opening theme gets stuck in my head so easily.

Noragami I loved the first season but I think the second season (Aragoto) was even better. The characters are strong, the pacing is good, and the music is fantastic; if you haven’t checked this out I reallllly recommend it. It’s an “accessible” show-doesn’t take a while to get into and has a limited number of episodes.

Dance with Devils was absolutely ridiculous every step of the way. I’m pretty sure I laughed out loud at least once per episode. And I have no doubt those singing pomeranians will live on in my memory forever.

K: Return of Kings So beautiful.

MSG: Iron-Blooded Orphans I’ve been on a real Gundam kick lately (thanks to The Origin manga series) so I was more excited about this show than I normally would be. However, I’ve really been enjoying it! The characters are a lot of fun and the fact that Orga is voiced by my #4 favorite voice actor only sweetens the deal.

So there it is…the stuff I watched from/through the Fall 2015 season. Several shows I started I ended up dropping (which is a bit unusual for me) due to time constraints. Is there anything I missed out on? Anything you totally loved?

Endless Summer 2015

Welcome to my Endless Summer 2015 Wrap-Up! Why is it “endless”? Because it seems like every series I watched for the season ended in the middle of nowhere! *dies*

My most-anticipated series of the summer was Gangsta. I love the manga, I love the drama CDs, and I loved the shit out of the first episode. I loved all the episodes! Even that weird one that the art is kinda screwy for half of it and you’re wondering if the animators went on strike or something (then I read about the bankruptcy of Manglobe and wondered if the two were related). From the very beginning, I knew that it would have to end “incompletely” if it followed the manga closely…but I didn’t expect quite the sudden non-ending-feeling of episode 12. However, for all my bitching about the non-ending, the art was great (overall, forget that one episode) and the acting was great and seeing Worick and Nicholas animated was wonderful. I’m having a hard time letting go.

I’m also resisting the end of The Heroic Legend of Arslan. Daryun kept getting more amazing This show kept getting better as it went, I felt, with more intrigue and plot and characters. I was really looking forward to seeing Arslan take on Silver Mask and reclaim the capital and—well, it doesn’t matter, because apparently the series doesn’t go that far. But I loved it anyway.

GATE was the first new summer show I watched based solely on scheduling reasons. Suwabe-san’s voice sucked me in and the premise made me stay. It felt a lot like Outbreak Company at first but I enjoyed the art and the “military conundrum” aspect of GATE a bit more, I think. Or maybe I’m just shallow and like to ogle animated men in uniform. Episode 12 is titled “What Would Itami Do?” and I bitterly think, “We may never know because…it’s over!” I’d like to think Itami would come back for a second season!

Aoharu x Machinegun was another of my “anticipated shows.” It met my expectations by being cute, funny, crazy, and having hot well-drawn guys that were a pleasant surprise. I’m always on board if the show has a host character or a eromanga character and hey, this show had both! Throw in that girl-everyone-thinks-is-a-guy a la Ouran High School Host Club and you can’t lose. Except we never actually get to the part where the guys find out she’s a girl… But hey, I’d probably watch it again anyway.

Rokka -Braves of the Six Flowers- I was really excited about this anime…up until halfway through the first episode when it got bogged down with dialogue. Still, when we started meeting other characters I thought it could really bounce back but it never did for me. I didn’t care what happened to any of them. There seemed to be so much potential but the show itself fell short. The “reveal” was…validating? except that anyone who’s watched enough Scooby Doo could probably see it coming.

Monster Musume I don’t really know why I watched this–let alone twelve episodes of it. But I did and I might’ve actually enjoyed it more than Rokka.

Junjo Romantica I’m not gonna lie, my rotten friend and I were too excited for season three. “It is what it is”–and I say that with love. Three seasons in we still have major miscommunication, denial, and misunderstanding between beautiful boys in love. What more do you people want?! Well, if you’re like me, you want another season or OVA with the story of that dark-haired guy you always see around Ijuin-sensei. But that aside, Usagi was hilarious, Misaki was neurotic, and everything is right in the BL world.

Prison School ended up being one of my favorite shows of the season. I almost didn’t watch it because that girl’s huge boobs were a turnoff but I am soooo glad I did. Pretty sure I laughed til I cried every episode. Also, contrary to most of the summer shows, the last episode felt satisfying to me, like we’d actually reached a reasonable “end.” Typing this writeup is hard, though, because I keep thinking of different scenes and just start shaking my head. Prison School definitely gets my “Fucking Hilarious” endorsement.

Man, I love Durarara!!. All it takes is two seconds into the opening theme and I fall in love all over again. Every damn episode. It’s so twisted and complicated and strung out and strung together I almost have a little headache from watching it but it’s so good. Thank goodness for the blip at the end telling me Chapter Three is coming in January before I threw my computer across the room in frustration. Now instead of being furious I’m just…full of Durarara happiness and patiently waiting for January…

MY love STORY!! This was adorable. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I love the manga and about died from happiness when the anime started. It never disappointed, staying adorable and funny all the way through. The final episode was appropriate and satisfying. I totally recommend this one.

Okay, I think that’s it for the shows that ended this summer. There are a few I still have to finish that probably won’t make it in this post like Gatchaman Crowds Insight, Shimoneta, Actually, I Am, and Snow White with the Red Hair. I will finish them sometime…I just got too far behind. 😦 And I’ve been saving up makuranodanshi because I didn’t want it to be over!

And of course I have my ongoing shows…Fairy Tail, One Piece, Ace of the Diamond, Naruto Shippuden, Ushio & Tora, and my all-time favorite GINTAMA!!!!! Gintama Gintama Gintama…

So what’s coming up for Fall 2015?!

So, It’s Spring 2015! [Updated]

Let’s get this show on the road…

Uta no Prince-sama Revolutions Honestly, I had no idea I missed bishonen idols so much. They add so much to my life…which is why I was super disappointed by the CG dancing in the end theme 😡 But the first episode was already super ridiculous and I have to admit, in my mind I heard Ren Jinguji ask, “Are you ready?” right before I pressed “play.” I insist on at least one mindless, wonderful reverse-harem per season so now I’m happy.

Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Well, I dunno if it is or not, but Is It Wrong to Get My Hopes Up Then Make a Boring First Episode? For some reason I had really looked forward to this series and I barely made it through the first episode. About five minutes in, all I could think was, “I want to watch new “Gintama” instead.” I do think it will get better…I hope…Unlike:

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma This one is my own fault. I’d started reading the manga and ultimately dropped it. So I don’t know why I thought I might like the anime but…I don’t. Maybe because I work in a restaurant I’m tired of food and food-anime…though I still love the hell out of “Toriko” and read its new chapter every week. Maybe I’m just biased toward muscular men eating stupid things like “Mellow Cola” instead of squirming boobalicious women having foodgasms over overly-descriptive trying-to-sound-realistic-but-still-totally-wouldn’t-work-in-real-life dishes? I don’t know! Yes, I love muscles more than boobs! But I think it’s largely the over-explanation…which I’m doing right now about my dislike of this show. :/ Unfortunately, it was not the new season of “Gintama.”

Seraph of the End Apparently I never learn because this was another manga that I dropped yet…decided to try watching the anime. Honestly, the first episode isn’t bad…just like the first chapter of the manga wasn’t bad. But, unfortunately, it was no “Gintama.”

Plastic Memories Okay, so my first thought was, “Totally not ‘Gintama,'” but by the end of the first episode, I was pleasantly surprised. I mean, no, it’s still not “Gintama” or even close, but I will continue watching. Looks like it could be painful and heart-wrenching yet filled with toilet humor so might as well stick with it.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pick this one up since I’m reading the manga; I thought it might be overkill. But because of my love of Daryun Hiromu Arakawa, I decided to give it a try. This first episode actually really sucked me in and convinced me that Daryun this show is a keeper.

Kuroko’s Basketball OMG TEIKO ARC! KYAHHHHHHH!!! Okay, so this isn’t a new title for Spring but I don’t care I have to gush about how excited I am! Young, sweet, fresh-faced Aomine being so cute and pure and nice and GAHHHHH I just want to puke love and sparkles and tears all over the screen. Everyone is so cute and mostly innocent and smiley and fist-bumpy and full of hope and everything hasn’t gone to shit yet and everyone turned to assholes and it’s all so adorable and great! I love it so much I can’t breathe. I LOVE KUROKO’S BASKETBALL.

GINTAMA DO I REALLY NEED TO SAY ANYTHING?! I AM SO HAPPY I COULD JUST EXPLODE INTO A HUGE CLOUD OF SPARKLES AND ANPAN. The day this episode aired I got up a half hour early just so I could watch it before work. TOTALLY WORTH IT. Honestly, I expected to see just a still image of the front of the building for 20 minutes while the characters talked so I was pretty excited we actually got a real episode for the launch. Words cannot describe how elated I am to see this show again.

I did watch a few other things too:

Punch Line I thought this was great and look forward to more. You can’t beat panties, nosebleeds, and Strange Juice.

My Love Story!! For the love of all that’s holy, watch this. I’ve been reading the manga and this was one of my most-anticipated Spring 2015 titles. It’s wonderfully hilarious. My only complaint is I wanted MORE.

In Like A Lion, Out Like an Anime Lamb (Winter 2015 Conclusion)

Yep, the Winter 2015 anime season is over and of course…I cried.

Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! LOVED the last episode. Loved the whole series. I guess all that “Love Making!” really worked because I have nothing but love for this show. I laughed til I cried… Whereas with:

Death Parade I just plain cried at the end. I knew I was going to; hell, the second-to-last episode had me in tears, so I was pretty sure the finale would be a doozy. I felt this was just a really incredible show and I’ve been trying to convince everyone to watch it. Unlike:

Aldnoah Zero that I kept watching even while asking myself, “Why am I still watching this?” But I thought it would surprise me at the end and I’d be glad I stuck with it. Spoiler: I was wrong. The best thing about this show was finally being done with it and getting to remove it from my queue. Kind of like:

Saekano – How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend- which I had high hopes for after the first episode but ultimately could have been titled “How to Raise a Boring Anime.” And yes, I’m totally positive a ton of other people have beat me to that joke. So, anyway…

Kancolle is over, and that’s okay with me. It was cute but I see there is mention of a second season…and hell, I might even watch because I’m a glutton for punishment, as seen by my love of:

Durarara WHAT THE EFF I HAVE TO WAIT NOW TIL JULY OR WHATEVER?! FUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK! Yes, I was so tempted to throw something, because I was unprepared for hiatus and ghdasklfjekal;fejklafjkld. But it was all great and now I have something to look forward to when Summer Season rolls around.

Log Horizon is this finally over?

Ace of the Diamond “Chris-senpai!!” That’s all I have to say. Okay, no, I guess I have a bit more to add, and that’s when Chris first shows up again in the series, with his serene face and Eijun’s expectant face, so full of relief at seeing him, all I could think of was this fic. Warning: BL-ish. If you’re uncomfortable with dudes liking each other, you might not read it. Or hell, read it anyway, furiosity is an amazing writer. Speaking of sports and boys hugging:

Yowamushi Pedal is over! I liked this anime but at the same time was glad to see it reach a conclusion. And the second half of the last episode was just perfect. Also perfect, I thought, was:

Yurikuma Arashi I liked this show a lot more than I thought I would. Heck, I loved it. I love saying “gau gau” and yelling, “Kuma SHOCK!” But I really enjoyed the storytelling and the style and the ending was fab. I felt like the final words of the show should’ve been Life Sexy saying, “Shabadadoo” but hey, I got one last “Shabadadoo” near the end and that was good enough for me. Feel kinda weird saying this but when you look past the craziness to what the show was actually about, it’s actually kind of meaningful.

Samurai Warriors I know this anime is based on games and I know enough of Japanese history to assume how this whole thing would end. However…I still cried. I couldn’t help it. I was fine until the very end and then… KIYOMASA!!!! Okay, so “KIYOMASA!!!” was several episodes ago but I still enjoy yelling it at random.

Akatsuki no Yona Of course, just as things were picking up, BOOM, the show is over. Having read (some of) the manga I was wondering how far they were going to go…and I guess now I have my answer! Maybe we’ll get a season two? Regardless, I got to see Hak animated and hear Jae Ha’s voice, so I’m happy.

Now, a quick look at what we have to look forward to:


JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure DIO!!!! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!


and perhaps my *most anticipated* anime of the Spring 2015 Season:


…Until next time!

Things I Love

Because, I’m sure you’re just dying to know…here are the THINGS I LOVE right now:

Gintama OMG these manga chapters lately are just killing me! I can’t wait to see what each new chapter brings and I’m hoping against hope this arc will be animated someday. The latest chapter (ch 529) totally made me cry.

Fairy Tail Alright, the anime has been kind of slow lately with a pile of filler (though perhaps my favorite filler ep, which is actually not filler because it’s legit from the manga..? “413 Days” aired last week) but the manga is kind of blowing my mind and keeping me on edge wondering what’s going to happen next.

I’m sure it’s no surprise, but something else I LOVE is Kuroko’s Basketball!!! Every week I get so excited and wish I could just watch “Kuroko’s Basketball” forever.

otpI won’t lie; I “kyahhh!”ed when I saw this end card.

How about Durarara!! X2? Seriously, within three seconds of the opening each week, I think, “Man, I fucking love ‘Durarara.'” And I think that again probably every few minutes every episode. If there’s a lot of Shizuo, then I think it about every seven seconds. Love love love the opening (and the rest of the show, of course.)

Speaking of great openings…I think I could watch the Death Parade opening on loop for about an hour. I get so excited when it comes on. This show has been really fun and interesting so far. I knew nothing about it when I started watching but was hooked immediately.

Girls who end their sentences with “gau gau” and guys who end theirs with “Shabadadoo.” I never thought lesbian bears could be so entertaining…thank you, Yurikuma Arashi! (To this day, I randomly blurt out, “Bears eat people; that’s what bears do.”)

Or maybe I just love bears because I can’t get enough Polar Bear Cafe. I realize this isn’t a “new” show but I marathoned it recently and was so bummed when I ran out of episodes. I wanted to find the perfect screenshot to share but realized I’d just end up watching episode after episode and forget my original purpose… >_<

Of course I love Hak Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona. Ever since reading the cast list before the show aired, I’ve been waiting this entire time for Suwabe-san Jae Ha (or is it Jeaha?) to show up. Now my life is complete. Jae Ha and Hak can just banter back and forth and kick ass indefinitely and I’ll be happy.

hakI couldn’t agree more, Jae Ha. He *is* perfect.

The Onibaku and Great Teacher Onizuka. Yes, I realize this is old news, but after watching the GTO anime I started looking for another fix and ended up reading “Shonan Junai Gumi” (aka “GTO: The Early Years”). Loved the shit out of it. So of course I had to continue with “14 Days in Shonan” and I’m reading “GTO: Paradise Lost” whenever a new chapter updates on Crunchyroll Manga. So lewd, so inappropriate, so toilet…so fucking awesome and funny and manly. On several occasions while reading, I hear Elfman’s voice in my head, “That’s a man!”

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, specifically any time Joseph yells, “Oh my God!” This is guaranteed to get a laugh from me no matter how many times he does it. This latest episode (episode 30) was a real treat because I think we got at least two “Oh My God!”s and even a “Holy shit!” I’ll be so sad when this anime is over.