Month: September 2017

Today’s Tub Manga: All Out!! (volume 1)

I cannot even describe how freakin’ excited I was when I saw that All Out!! was finally FINALLY getting published in English. Like another sports-manga-love-of-my-life (ahem, Kuroko’s Basketball) I actually buy the Japanese volumes…even though I can’t read Japanese…just so I can flip through and try to figure out what is going on and try to absorb the sports manga essence through my fingertips. That is how crazy I am about this series.

Obscene fangirling aside, this is an incredibly solid and sporty first volume. While nothing too surprising happens initially, the setup allows us to get introduced to our protagonist quickly and the story gets moving at a nice pace. Relatively early we meet the major players of the series, have some minor conflicts, and really get down to what this series is about. No time is wasted introducing a tragic (?) backstory, short training montage, and fleshing out some character motivation and personalities. By the end of the first volume, you’re eyeballs-deep into rugby and ready for MORE. 

I really want you to give this a try. I want you to read it. I want you to love it, even a fraction as much as I do.

Summer 2017 Simulcast Wrap-Up

Summer 2017 Simulcast Wrap-Up

It’s that time again! So what survived the cut? What did I stick with until THE END?!

Restaurant to Another World I had kind of a love-hate relationship with this show–probably because I have a love-hate relationship with the restaurant business. However, it did forever change my life in that whenever I eat fried shrimp, in my head I will always hear Sugita-san’s voice being really, really excited about it. And we can’t forget the universally valuable lesson RTAW taught us all:

No matter what world they’re from, vegans are condescending and think they’re better than everyone else.

Aho-Girl The name says it all. And maybe I’m also an aho-girl for watching (and loving) it. But this show was just refreshing and hilarious to me.

Yep. That’s all you can do. Good luck, guys–you’ll get there someday. Maybe. Or, uh, it’s not the destination, but the journey..? Probably?

Saiyuki Reload Blast Did we actually make any progress? No. Did I care? No. Because this was pure Saiyuki goodness and totally gave me something I didn’t even know I’d been missing. I know this sounds odd to say about a show with frequent blood splatter on the screen but for me, Reload Blast was just like a fuzzy warm blanket.

Ikemen Sengoku: Bromances Across Time This was just pure dumb fun. I could watch this forever.

My First Girlfriend is a Gal I just about dropped this one several times but I’m actually glad I finished it. It was uncomfortably ecchi at times (most of the time) but it was also, despite its over-the-top delivery, very “real life.” My brother loved this show and we ended up talking about it quite a bit; he said he believed the reason people hated this show was because no one wants to face the fact that it told the truth of how the male brain works.


Katsugeki Touken Ranbu OMG this show was so much better than it had any right to be. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to scream, “I can’t believe I’m crying at freakin’ Touken Ranbu!” I loved the crap out of the Ryoma episode and thought that gave me everything I wanted and more than I ever expected…but then…we got…*tries to breathe*…Hijikata

I was a goner. Touken Ranbu, I can’t quit you.

Knight’s & Magic No aspect of this show should have appealed to me but I kept coming back to it and loving it. It was entertaining, smoothly-paced, and just generally well-done.

Clean Freak! Aoyama-kun Nothing too serious–just fun and cute every week. Silly and easy to watch.

Re:Creators I don’t even know where to start. One of my favorite shows of the year. I was blown away constantly by this series. I think I must’ve teared up at least once every episode. Hell, I think during the final episode I just cried the entire time because it was that good and that beautiful and that amazing. I cannot say enough about how brilliant this was. I know some parts seemed a bit long-winded but it was all so, so important. PLEASE WATCH THIS.

Dive!! I had very high expectations for this show. Once I realized it was going to fall drastically short and just accepted that, then I actually enjoyed it. This show actually had some really great humorous parts that I didn’t expect but overall, I’ll admit, I was disappointed. But once I quit caring and resenting the fact it wasn’t as good as I thought it should be, then I really liked the last few episodes. Minimize your expectations (and speedos) to avoid disappointment, I guess.

Princess Principal Now I had no expectations for this one going in other than it sounded “kinda interesting.” I loved it. Cute girls, especially in this art style, really aren’t my thing at all. So I hope that illustrates how strong the story is, that a show I normally wouldn’t even try ended up being one of the best of the season.

Made in Abyss Where do I even start… If you like great art, quirky characters, adorable children, and fun, light-hearted romps through adventureland, you should totally watch—hahahahaha. Just kidding. I mean, yeah, it has great art, quirky characters, and I guess the children are kind of adorable when they aren’t talking about robot penises and maybe bleeding out their eyeballs…have I said too much? Seriously, though, this show kicked my ass in all the best ways. Visually it was amazing. Everything was put together so well it just sucked me right in and I had that feeling in my bones: “this is gonna be good.” And it was. Totally one of my top shows of the season, maybe the year.

Vatican Miracle Examiner This wasn’t anything like what I expected but I loved it anyway. Heck, maybe I loved it more for being totally…whatever it was. The word “campy” comes to mind even though I don’t think (?) that’s really what they were going for. Would I have stuck with this show if Junichi Suwabe hadn’t voiced the lead? The world may never know. But I’m glad I kept with it, diving into the seriously absurd (or absurdly serious?) world of the Vatican…

Hitorijime My Hero C’mon, people. You know me. Of course I loved the shit out of this.

Like Bakugo here, I love this show so much I could puke.

My Hero Academia What is left to say about this show–it’s always perfect all the time. Every week I just wanted more. I wanted to just watch hours of it. Consistently incredible.

Today’s Tub Manga: The High School Life of a Fudanshi (volume 2)


Of course this is right up my alley. I can’t get enough of this series and I laugh so much while reading it. I can’t resist a good riff on the fujoshi/fudanshi lifestyle; it’s reminiscent of the feeling I got when I started Kiss Him, Not Me! only this is more jokes, less romantic drama.

There were so many great pages and panels that I want to share with my friend who has been patiently tolerating my fujoshi ways that I’ve decided to just send a copy of the whole book.

A book you want to share (or a book you willingly buy twice) has to be good, right?

Today’s Tub Manga: Kiss Me at the Stroke of Midnight (volume 1)

kiss me

I don’t read much shojo anymore (well, compared to what I used to) so I’m not really sure what inspired me to buy something titled Kiss Me at the Stroke of Midnight but…

I’m glad I did.

I was really pleasantly surprised with this title. Sure, a lot of it was fairly predictable in that typical shojo-manga way, but it was really cuter and funnier than I expected. Or maybe the love interest’s ridiculous butt fetish won me over immediately and that’s all it took.

Today’s Tub Manga: Handa-kun (volume 7)

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Volume 6 may have been the end of the actual story but Volume 7 brings us to the true finale of Handa-kun. This volume is comprised mostly of extra-arc short stories–one of which shows us a Handa Army reunion several years after high school graduation. There’s also a mini gallery, some four-panel comics, and a cool “end of series” note from the author (I’m a sucker for those things).

All-in-all, this was a cute and tidy way to wrap up a great series.

Today’s Tub Manga: Golden Kamuy (volume 2)


What time is it? It’s Golden Kamuy time! Woo!

Approximately four pages into this volume, I wanted to scream to the world, “OMG I LOVE THIS MANGA!” It is really just that freakin’ good.

Saichi has great scars. Asirpa kicks ass and makes poop jokes. The bad guys are skin-crawly. The violence is intense, the live animals perfectly detailed, and the dead animals…even more perfectly detailed. The entire time I’m reading, I think, “Everything in this manga is perfect.” Even the comedy is totally on point. I can’t get enough.


Today’s Tub Manga: Barakamon (volume 14)

barakamon 14

Barakamon volume 14

I absolutely love, love, LOVE this manga. Every volume is superb and I just want it to go on forever. I can’t rant enough about how adorable and entertaining this series is. With every book I find myself laughing out loud and filled with warm fuzzy happiness by the time I finish.

Except then I get a little sad that I have to wait for more, but that’s typical.

In this volume, Naru and Sensei return from their Tokyo visit, bearing souvenirs. Kind of. Kousuke is crashed at Sensei’s house, vowing to quit calligraphy at the same time Sensei announces he’s quitting calligraphy to teach instead. As expected, mayhem ensues. We do get some resolution to the Great Higashino Daikon Competition…but surprisingly my favorite part was the very realistic liquor store dilemma. Maybe because I live in a small town or maybe because ours is a family business…or both. But for that scene, this slice-of-life was very “life” to me.


Today’s Tub Manga: My Love Story!! (volume 13–final volume)

I cannot say enough wonderful things about this series. Watch the anime, read the manga–this series deserves your attention!

Volume 13 is the final volume…and in my opinion, it’s perfect. Everything is wrapped up nicely, nothing drags on too long, and we can see everyone off with a smile, loving them even more than when we started. I feel like this is a refreshing departure from the “how the heck do I end this..?” syndrome I’ve seen too often lately. Sure, the ending of My Love Story!! isn’t anything too radical or revolutionary, but it is a well-thought-out ending and I appreciate that.

On a final note, while I’ve loved Suna from the beginning, his role in this final volume really just made everything perfect for me. My Love Story!! doesn’t just encompass the romance between Yamato and Takeo, but the friendship between Takeo and Suna as well.