Tag: school

Today’s Tub Manga: Spirit Circle (volume 1)

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I knew nothing about this series going in; I preordered it because a) it was by the same mangaka as Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer and b) twitterer @to_aru_Oni’s excitement about it was too effusive to ignore.

I liked Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer and I expected to “like” Spirit Circle as well, but instead I absolutely loved this first volume. The whole reincarnational drama/simultaneous lives thing is right up my alley and I can’t wait for the next volume.


Today’s Tub Manga: Handa-kun (volume 7)

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Volume 6 may have been the end of the actual story but Volume 7 brings us to the true finale of Handa-kun. This volume is comprised mostly of extra-arc short stories–one of which shows us a Handa Army reunion several years after high school graduation. There’s also a mini gallery, some four-panel comics, and a cool “end of series” note from the author (I’m a sucker for those things).

All-in-all, this was a cute and tidy way to wrap up a great series.